Jasper Roberts - Blog

Monday 12 September 2011

Self Motivation

Clarify What You Want

One of the most important motivation techniques you can apply is to clarify what it is you want, and why you want it. If you don't really know what outcome you are going for, or why you should go for it, it is really hard to maintain a high level of self motivation. Setting goals is an ideal way to start this process. Sometimes when you don't have motivation to take action, it is because you don't have a clear picture of why you should be doing it or what the end result should be.

Once you can picture what success will look like, why you want it, and the steps along the way, your motivation will be stronger to start taking action to get there.

Think Long Term

Sometimes a goal just seems too overwhelming or painful to start, and you may have low motivation due to the immediate pain, discomfort, or stress that would be involved in starting. Rather than focusing on the immediate difficulty involved, take a moment to consider the long term consequences of acting on it, or putting it off. If you procrastinate on starting the goal now, will it get even harder to start later? If you act now, can you keep a potential problem from getting worse? On the positive side, how will you feel once you finish? What benefits will you gain from acting now? How will this impact your ability to do other things? Looking at long term consequences can be a powerful motivation technique to increase your self motivation. Put the short term discomfort or difficulty in perspective by thinking about the long term effect of getting your goal accomplished.

Celebrate the Small Victories

In working towards a goal, pay attention to the small victories you can achieve along the way. Think about the milestones that you can celebrate. Examples could include the first dollar you make when starting your business, the first five pounds you lose on a diet, or the first chapter of your novel. These milestones may be just one small step toward your larger goal, and you may still have a long way to go, but they are the evidence that you are progressing. Celebrating these small victories can renew your motivation as move towards the end result, and provide positive feedback and reinforcement for your behavior. Actively look for these milestones that mark your progress, and take the time to celebrate those victories.

Readjust Strategy

You may have set a great goal, but in trying to reach it you might feel like you keep hitting a wall. When your repeated attempts to move forward don't work, your motivation to keep going can start to lag. A very useful motivation technique that can keep you going is to readjust your strategy. Consider alternate efforts that may help get you where you want to go. Think about other approaches you might be able to take. Look for examples of people who have succeeded with a similar goal, and see what they did to accomplish it. There is usually more than one way to achieve a goal, and trying other strategies can give you a boost to maintain your self motivation.

Evaluate Outcomes

As you start making progress towards your goal, periodically evaluate the outcome you are trying to reach. Sometimes you may go after what you want, but as you near the goal you may find that it no longer as important as you initially thought. You may realize that you really don't want or need that outcome. Take the time to evaluate the goals you are striving for, and determine whether they still merit your continued efforts. If your motivation is lagging, it may be a sign that your goal is not top priority for you anymore. Maybe there is a different outcome or goal that is really more important, and if so, change your focus. It's possible to outgrow your initial ideas about what you want- don't be afraid to re-evaluate your priorities and shift your efforts. The use of these self motivation techniques can greatly aid you as you work towards your goals. Pay attention whenever your motivation starts to get low, and then consider if one of more these motivation techniques can help to keep you going.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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